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How Summer Can Affect Your Visitation Schedule

Father and daughter playing outside on skateboard

Throughout the school year, it’s easier for co-parents to create a schedule that works for everyone — the kids spend the majority of their day at school and everyone follows a laid-out schedule. Unfortunately, all that structure and organization ends once summer break starts and that can post a problem for many divorced parents.

Creating a Successful Summer Co-Parenting Plan

Modify your existing schedule.

If you need to make any changes to your existing parenting schedule, it’s important to do so right away. And while it may be tempting to create a verbal agreement with your partner, you should go through all of the proper legal channels so that all changes are formally noted and approved.

Plan out your (general) daily schedule.

The beauty of summer is that most of us have fewer requirements. But even though school is out of session, it’s in your children’s best interest to still maintain a schedule. If your kids are involved in summer sports, clubs, or camps, let your co-parent know and coordinate all drop-off and pick-up times.

Book vacations far in advance.

Most every parent wants to take their little ones on vacation during the summer, but this can be difficult for divorced parents, depending on their custody agreement. At the start of summer, reach out to your co-parent and let them know the exact dates of any vacations you plan on taking with the kids. The sooner you book a vacation, the easier it will be to coordinate days and avoid conflicts.

Get your kids’ input.

Especially if your kids are older, ask them what they’d like to do. Some kids may prefer to stay with their noncustodial parent because they don’t see them as often, while others may want to stay home near friends. As your kids age, it’s important to factor their wishes into your schedule as well.

At Blood Law, PLLC, we believe in helping our clients achieve their goals – no matter how complex their divorce or other family law issue. Our experienced attorneys provide tailored legal services with a unique, team-based approach to do our best to achieve these results.

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